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Hear what Coach K had to say about what

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4 thoughts on “Did Coach K lecture Dillon Brooks after Oregon’s win over Duke?

  1. Bill Cenne

    Gotta give Coach K the benefit of the doubt on this one cuz he still is all
    red eyed and teary from getting his AZZ WHUPPED BY THE LOWLY DUCKS, LOL,

  2. GreenDay1981

    He’s a piece of shit! He needs to worry about his own players and their
    lack of sportsmanship (Allen). Who is he to lecture another team’s player?
    Sounds like he was trying to make it all about himself and take away the
    spotlight from Oregon. Coach Krybaby had the same bratty attitude after his
    team lost to Syracuse. He refused to shake the hands of the first 6
    Syracuse players he saw and then whined to the media after the game about
    the officials. As if he has any room to berate referees. A good number of
    those championship rings were won thanks to bad officiating so he needs to
    shut up or retire.

  3. yonyLA8028

    now said that again without crying!

  4. John Doe


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