FsN Forum Postal Match #2
*** Note: if you’re wondering why the downrange target camera is obscured, it’s because the contest runs until 10-31-11 and I don’t want to show the results until then. I will remove the censored graphics 4-1-11. *** This is a competition called a Postal Match meaning that you shoot the targets and literally ,ail them in to be scored. Postal Matches allow you to compete with shooters that you would not normally be able to go up against due to their geographic location. Each match may have its own unique scenario and may require contestants to do things outside of their skill level and/or comfort zone. It is done on the honor system: it’s assumed that you completed all of the requirements of the rules of engagement even though your fellow shooters are not there to watch you. It’s a LOT of fun. In my humble opinion, this is the kind of activity that we can use to get people to join us in our wonderful hobby/passion. This is a little off topic, but with anti-gun groups becoming more and more vocal, I believe it’s important to help people who have not formed a definite opinion one way or the other to experience the joys of sport shooting. We’ll never change the minds of the anti-second amendment groups (just as they are not likely to convince us to give up our sport), but just as in politics where the independent voters often determine election outcomes – so might it be when it comes to 2A rights! So go out there, join in competitions (postal matches or otherwise) and spread …