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Category: Sports

Soccer Coaching: How To Preach The Philosophy


Soccer coaching Let me show you a neat way to remember a few vital soccer coaching factors that are instrumental in ascertaining your team’s philosophy and fulfilling it. Using this philosophy for your youth team can be very practical; and simpler than you may think. There are 6 factors; parents, coaches, excitement, selection, time and […]

A Guide To Tryouts Soccer


Tryouts soccer I know you might disagree, but I am going to tell you. Who said tryouts soccer is to find the most competitive players? It is to sort out player and teams through successful tryouts. The obvious thing is that many young coaches do not have the experience to distinguish between average players and […]

Swimming And Muscular Strength


Just like any other type of exercise, swimming helps increase the endurance and strength of your muscles at the same time. Depending on how slow or fast you swim, you can have a good cardiovascular work-out or slowly build your muscle strength and endurance. All the muscles in your body become engaged each time you […]

If You’re Bad At Billiards, Then Take A Class


Learning billiard could be the toughest thing at times with all the effort ant patience required. Mastering the game comes with lot of practice and patience. There are many tricks and many unbelievably amusing body and brain co-operations involved. This is why it could go horribly wrong at the start of a learning process in […]