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Why Americans Don’t Do Futbol

Mitch Vargas

www.theresident.net – What is up with this “soccer” thing, US people? Get with the world program already! Granted I grew up playing the soccer, and I was goooood at it, but isn’t about time we get into it a little more and be a little bit more of a team player? Also futbol players are […]

Raw Video: Spanish Team Comes Home After WC Win

Mitch Vargas

The Spanish national football team, this year’s World Cup champions, arrived home on Monday to a rapturous welcome from delighted airport workers at Madrid’s Barajas airport. (July 12) Whose Next? Congratulations Spain ! World Cup Champions « ColdFusion Developers Network Spain Are the 2010 FIFA World Cup Champions | Inside Minnesota Soccer High Tech Soccer […]

Sex, Sports, and Caster Semenya

Mitch Vargas

Lauren McLaughlin’s brilliant blog entry: bit.ly Our community lives at www.nerdfighters.com Correction In Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, the person is XY chromosomally but has a female external appearance. For more info: bit.ly In which John discusses track star Caster Semenya, sports, sexual identification, internal testes, the ambiguity inherent to life, and the arbitrary rules of a […]